Our ministry team is here to serve the community and the Body of Christ while contending for all that Christ promised the church would move in, “the works that I do shall you do also and greater works than these.” John 14:12
We minister:
- A Salvation message
- The Healing Word
- The Anointing that Empowers the Word
- Prayer and Deliverance of the Sick
- An Impartation for healing to the Local Church
We are excited about what God is doing in the church in this hour around the world. We feel that there is no price too great to pay to be part of it; our cry is – More Lord! Written in the book of Mark JESUS says:”And these signs will follow those that believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; … they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Healing Rooms Times at Logos:
Where: In our prayer room on the left of the coffee shop if facing the church from the front door.
When: 10:30am till noon on a Sunday directly after the morning service.
Who: Magel Grové our Director for the Healing Room at Logos.
Contact: 083 261 9404
Our Healing Room is part of an International Network of Healing Rooms
For more information about us please visit www.healingrooms.com.
We also have a division in AFRICA www.healingafrica.co.za where you can find more information and other branches as well as testimonies. You can watch training videos of Cal Pierce on YouTube.
I, Magel, the director of our Healing Room offer training courses with 14 sessions to groups of 10 people or more. We cover the complete model of Jesus’ way of ministring healing and the Biblical gems concerning the Scriptures pertaining this wonderful gift and tool available to all believers.
Aspects will be:
- Your anointing for the work
- The working of the Holy Spirit
- The role in healing of Jesus the Christ
- Reasons why some people get healed and why others are not
We find all these road blocks to healing and overcome them.
Please contact Magel for more information: 083 261 9404.
- I have experienced the move of The Holy Spirit in Jesus name so many times with great joy.
- I have seen eyes healed instantly, new body parts grow as colon and oesophagus. Healing of a skeleton out of alignment correct by a leg grow.
- Healing of skin conditions as rashes disappear, psoriasis disappear, Worts disappear over night.
- Healings of back pain, neck pain, knee pain instantly disappear after years of constant pain.
- Arthritis disappear immediately and cancer disappear from a terminal cancer patient.
- Many more healings to numerous to list here.
- Deliverances are part of healings for many people and so I have seen depression lift off a person in an instant after suffering for 20 years of this affliction.
- Also complete deliverance of bi-polar in a 45 minute session. Even the lift of confusion of a split personality heal.
Do come for a session as Jesus loves you and would love to love on you as He has healed many others.
Come and enjoy the living water.
Your prayer servant in Jesus name,
Magel Grové
Director of Logos Healing Room.